Monday, November 30, 2009

Eldrazi: the Bloodbraided

Okay so I asked a few people to look at my deck list and tell me what they thought. The general consensus I got was that splashing red was taking away from the synergy of the deck. I disagree with this. The only things I took out of the deck were Ant Queens and I dropped some of the 4 ofs down to 3 and took out Noble Hierarch and repalced with Birds. Eldrazi Green has no removal in the main board and honestly with what I've done I've added Bloodbraid Elf which will add another dimension to the deck and added main board removal/burn. It's possible to win with this deck without getting off an Overrun or Garruk's ultimate.

What do you think out there?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Magic at Legends

So let me start this off by saying that this will be a casual player's blog on Magic. I'll be talking about my standard meta and the things that affect me in local FNM and other similar tournaments. You more than likely won't see me talking about the Pro circuit, but who the hell knows.

I played in two tourneys over the weekend, my normal Saturday morning exchange over at the Amazing Spiral at the Rotunda Mall (shoutout, do I get cash from this?) and also at Legends in Towson (there it is again, free advertisements folks) and decided to run my mill deck with I affectionately refer to as "The Esper Crab Mill". I had great luck with this last week getting to the finals and being beat my Big Head Joe, however this week I just got horrible draws. This unfortunately continued when I played at Legends as well. I did not take notes although for future reference I will be doing so. Suffice to say, I went 1-2 at my normal tourney and went 2-3 at Legends. Joe helped me make some changes and while i'm not sold on what was done, I do think that it made the deck better.

Currently I am in the middle of building my version of Eldrazi Green although mine has red splashed and I call it "Eldrazi: The Bloodbraided". Here it is for your information and comment.

I am open to suggestions, but this is what I have come up and am going to run next tourney at the Rotunda.

Tourney Reports and other tidbits coming next week, now i'm going to bed. Goodnight all.