Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The SCG IQ at J&M Comics - Teen Wolf II

Okay so before I jump into this time around, we have made some changes to the deck. I will not be sharing those changes until after the GP. Gotta keep some secrets ladies and gents. Overall though the changes are minor and only act to shore up some minor inconsistencies that the deck exibited over the weekend. I played extrememly well but definitely feel that I can continue to improve. I still kept some weak hands and got incredibly lucky with my opponent also stalling out. I need to remember that a good 6 is better than a mediocre 7. If I take anything away from this tournament it is that.

Okay so we went 6-0-2 on the day. I dropped from the tournament and split prizes with Nick Harry once we were set to play each other in the finals. The reason I did this is simple, I don't play legacy and would not be able to prepare in time for the Invitational. Nick meanwhile, can smash face and I wish him well. So we split some cash and the better part of a box of Dark Ascension.

The deck is just so incredibly resilient now with all those undying guys and the swords just give the deck so much reach. I was pleasantly surprised with how well the deck performed against Spirits, Pod Decks and Wolf Run Ramp decks. It even did extremely well against Solar Flare. The only major deck that I didn't get a chance to play was Zombies, but I feel in my testing that this isn't a horrible match for us either.

I will be playing this deck at the GP and i feel pretty good about it. I'm sure I'll have a more comprehensive update after the event.

As an aside, I had one guy tell me that his Pod deck just should never lose to Werewolves. I asked him if he had tested against it. He said it wasn't on his radar and it shouldn't be. I replied that I had just 2-0ed him so clearly it was something to consider. His reply to me was that if we played 10 games he would win 7 out of 10. Remember kids actual wins mean more than theroretical wins.

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