Sunday, May 16, 2010

An Open Letter

So usually this has only been deck related shenanigans, but I feel the need to post something on a topic that has caused some heat recently.

A few months ago, I took the opportunity to start running my own tournaments at my local game shop that I frequent. Now before this I was supporting another Magic event at another store because it was either that or the place down the street, where the sharks reside and I'm really a casual player at heart.

Now, before I left I remember the TO at the place I was playing at, tell me how great it was that I was going to run my own event. He even offered to come play at times. Now I live with a guy who played at this place as well, and when I started running the new event he started coming to my place. In addition, two other guys who frequented the previous place started coming to mine because they had an issue with the TO there. Now after I started running events, I took a week off and I attending an FNM at this place for old times sake and the TO took rules enforcement too far and we had a very loud and very public argument over it that spilled over into Twitter. Things were never the same afterwards, I had already pretty much washed my hands of this person and was civil only because he was friends with my friends. You know how that goes.

Now, recently I've started to get really good turnouts at the new place and that being said, please come show your support and come play at FNM at Collector's Corner every Friday at 6:30 in Parkville, MD on Harford Rd. It came to my attention that my previous play spot had a bad night and didn't have enough for FNM.

This is not my fault, I'm not out to hurt anyone. My priority is to Collector's Corner and help the Magic scene succeed there and help the store succeed. To think that I have ulterior motives involved or trying to sabotage another group is not only insulting but to be quite honest it's not that important for me to hurt someone else. It's hilarious if you think so. That being said, I've written this particular person off my life because let's face it life is too short and quite honestly I don't take this GAME all that seriously. It's a game right?

I hope that this other location comes back and thrives, but in the grand scheme of things here are some numbers. I ran a 14 person tourney this week, and only 3 people came from the other place. Am I really hurting the other location or did they maybe just have an off week? Or in the case of two of the people who came to play with my group, they just had enough of the TO running this other event.

To everyone else in that group, I love you guys, you're awesome to play with and i hope to continue to do so. There is no ill will towards any of you no matter where you choose to play. Just make sure above all else you HAVE FUN! :)

Till next time.


  1. Hey Keith,

    You might have already seen my messages to you on Twitter (it looks like you posted this around the same time I was tweeting @ you, but since you didn't reply to my tweets, I'm not going to assume one way or the other). I just wanted to reply to this here, where I have more than 140 characters and therefore can explain myself better.

    First, a few replies to some things above:

    "In addition, two other guys who frequented the previous place started coming to mine because they had an issue with the TO there."

    I'm surprised to hear this, as it's the first I've heard of any issues beyond the one you mentioned between yourself and Joe. Of course, I wasn't around at every event, and I'm not omnipotent, so I can't expect to hear about everything that goes on while I'm not there. But I guess I would think if the issues were significant, I would have heard something.

    Since I don't know the specifics, I can't really say much, but I will say that Joe takes this very seriously and works very hard at making things fun at FNM. If there were issues, were they brought up to Joe? I have a hard time believing things couldn't be fixed/changed or at least explained in a way that would make everyone happy.

    "the TO took rules enforcement too far and we had a very loud and very public argument over it that spilled over into Twitter."

    Again, I wasn't there for this, but from what I know (from both Joe and statements you yourself made or tweeted), Joe actually didn't take rules enforcement far enough. In what was a clear case of collusion (which merits a disqualification), he merely told you that what you were doing was a rules infraction.

    I don't know if it was Joe's "bedside manner" so-to-speak, but either way, he gave you a break because he wants to foster a fun, casual environment. Apparently this act of leniency did more harm than the good that was intended.

    (to be continued…)

  2. (…continued from previous comment)

    "To think that I have ulterior motives involved or trying to sabotage another group is not only insulting but to be quite honest it's not that important for me to hurt someone else."

    Personally, I don't think you have ulterior motives at all. I fully understand your perspective, as far as wanting to run tournaments at your store. What bothers/baffles me is that you seem to be surprised at the negative reaction you are receiving.

    To further clarify my analogy from Twitter, it's as if you'd planned a party, and one of your guests decided they wanted to throw a party as well, on the same night, and invite the same guests—knowing full well what you were planning.

    Now obviously that person is allowed to have a party, and guests are allowed to go to whichever party they choose. But wouldn't you feel hurt? I would. I'd feel hurt, betrayed, and angry. Whether that was the person's intention or not, those are the feelings that come along with that sort of thing, and you can't really expect people to react otherwise.

    You have every right to run your own tournaments, and I sincerely wish you luck. And I mean that: Sincerely. From the first time I met you, playing in the Zendikar release event, you've been a friend. I hope that's never been in question for you, because it hasn't been for me. (Speaking of which, I don't know if you de-friended me on Facebook, or if it's just another of Facebook's famous glitches, but I sent you another friend request and hope you'll accept.)

    Anyway, as I was saying, you have every right to run your own tournaments. But you have to understand how it affects other people, whether that's your intention or not. (Another analogy: A girl cheats on her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is hurt, even though that wasn't her intention. She has every right to mess around with another guy—she's not married—but it hurts nonetheless.)

    I'm just going to come right out and say this: As a player who is semi-caught-in-the-middle of all this, I'M hurt. I'm sad that I won't see you or Gary or some of the other guys on Friday nights anymore. I really looked forward to that.

    "Am I really hurting the other location or did they maybe just have an off week?"

    It's probably something of a combination, as obviously you're having some effect (4 players including yourself who otherwise would have presumably been at Spiral, giving us enough for a sanctioned event). But I know from experience that there are off-weeks, and there are a number of players who didn't show up to either location.

    "Or in the case of two of the people who came to play with my group, they just had enough of the TO running this other event."

    Again, I think whatever happened here needs to be brought up, at least in the form of some constructive criticism. If there's something that people feel Joe is doing wrong, it's unlikely to change if he doesn't know it needs changing. If you don't want to talk to Joe directly, I personally would appreciate hearing the criticisms so that I can pass it along.

    Thanks Keith!

  3. Sorry, one last thing.

    I wanted to say something above about my having the impression that you were going to be running tournaments at Collector's Corner on Saturdays or days other than Friday nights; however, I couldn't remember where I got that impression from, or whether I'd imagined it.

    Then I just saw - it was right here on your blog!

    "For those that don't know I will be running Standard tournaments of my own at Collectors Corner MD on Harford Rd in Parkville starting April 3rd. Signups at 11am and we start play at 11:30am. This is in no way meant to intrude on the Rotunda's business which is why I'm doing the tourneys when I'm doing them. I figure those that don't play Magic League or on Magic League off weeks can come support my tourney."

    I for one am very interested in having alternative options for Magic tournaments. There have been SO MANY times when I was free and wanted to go somewhere to play, but since pretty much everyone has their Magic night on Fridays, I'd have no options available.

    I think it would be great if there were Magic tournaments available every day/night of the week at different stores. Sometimes Friday nights are just bad (not to mention it's often "date night" for those of us w/ significant others). Having an option on weeknights other than Fridays would be a welcome addition.

    Just throwing that out there. :)
