Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Reserved List - A Final Thought

First of all, we all know that Wizards has made an official decision on all the Reserved List hoopla that we all have been hearing recnetly. I would say a great many of us don't like this decision but at least they made one.

I think it comes down to this, and it's readily apparent by Twitter posts in which members of R&D can't discuss the decision in great detail. This was a legal decision that is perpetuated by Hasbro being afraid of a class action lawsuit should they change or even do away with the list. Yes that's a very real and very valid reason for them to have made the decision they made. And if you think that's BS please understand that there will be at least ONE greedy collector who can convince a lawyer to take on the case. And remember a class action lawsuit does not require that everyone who could be a plaintiff participate. It only takes one people.

So that's that. You won! Enjoy your overpriced cards and enjoy the fact that hard working people who enjoy this game will not be able to participate in Legacy. And let's not even talk about Vintage.

Congratulations to Wizards for doing what needed to be done to keep the game safe. I appluad them for that. My only complaint, and not really a complaint since it's nothing that they've done wrong, is that Wizards is clearly being punished for a decision that got made by people who are no longer with the company. A decision which they know hurts the game. Just continue doing what you're doing guys, putting out a great product that excites us everytime it comes close to a new set release.

In other news, I'm excited for Rise of the Eldrazi! Who's with me?

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